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WAVES - prime riding conditions

Every WAVE is different and one BELLYBOARD does not fit all waves.

We make a BELLYBOARD that will best fit your wave-riding ability.

"LEO" riding a LEO BELLYBOARD at the POINT

2010 San Onofre, San Clemente CA

EQUIPMENT - ease of use & comfort

Every BELLYBOARDER is different in height and weight; therefore, their boards can be custom- made to fit their specifications.

In addition, we also offer stock BELLYBOARDS.

The handle on the nose of the board gives you the ability to hold on to the board to control and turn the BELLYBOARD.

We offer 3-fin thrusters in a round tail design.

We offer 5-fin design in a square tail which enables you to change fins.

"LEO" riding his Hynson Bellyboard and Gerry Lopez 1971 LaPerouse Bay, Maui HI

RIDING PRONE - novice to pro

Whether you are a sponge rider, boogie boarder, or piapo boarder, having a LEO BELLYBOARD in your quiver gives you the ability to take your PRONE RIDING to a new level of performance.

"LEO" 1970 Maalaea Bay, Maui HI

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